The goal of our Children’s Ministry is to supplement the parents’ discipleship of their children through teaching, caring, and encouraging the next generation.
Our desire is to equip parents who equip their children in order to leave a legacy of disciples.
Sunday 9:45–10:45am
Our Children’s Sunday school classes meet on Sunday mornings in the downstairs education hall. In these classes we help children grow in their knowledge of God’s Word by providing a foundation of biblical teaching. Children’s classes are provided for children all ages from 3 years all the way up to 12th grade. Currently, we offer a unique One-Room Schoolhouse setting with multiple age groups in each class. Childcare is provided for children 2 years old and under during this time as well.
Sunday 11:00am
Children learn best how to worship by seeing others worship. However, we understand that little ones are still in training so childcare is provided for kids 3 years old and under on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Children who need childcare are dismissed to go with an adult as the choir is comes down from the choir loft.
Sunday 5:00pm
Children’s Discipleship Training classes each Sunday evening provide biblical teaching for children using Explore the Bible curriculum. We delight in sharing God’s Word with your child(ren).
A parent’s first ministry is within their own homes. God’s command to parents to be the spiritual teachers of their children is not just to benefit the current generation but to influence generations yet to be born. By discipling their children, parents also pass on the teachings of God’s wonderful works to the generations beyond and help to build God’s Kingdom.
Parents have the responsibility to train their children in the faith and yet, the whole church has the responsibility to hold believing parents accountable to the Word of God. Our desire is to train parents, especially men of God, to lead their homes in the Word and to raise up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This in turn fosters spiritual growth within the church.