Bible Study
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.”
God calls men to be the leaders in their homes, to shepherd the church as elders and pastors, and to serve the Body through leadership. At Cool Springs, we are not perfect at this but we are working to submit to God’s Word. Come join us as we learn together.
Bible Study Opportunities
Sunday Morning 9:45am
Join us for Sunday morning Bible Study as we seek to learn how to study the Word of God together through observing, interpreting and applying it to our lives.
Encourage Discipleship
Everyone should have a Paul to disciple them, a Timothy with whom they disciple and a Barnabas who encourages you. If you are a man of God and do not have these in your life, be intentional to seek them out. Godly relationships are important in our sanctification.
Church Leadership
A true characteristic of a leader is one who is humble. Godly men should aspire to the office of elder for it is a noble office. Men of God seek after righteousness and holiness. It is our prayer that men of God would follow the Word in obedience, disciple young men to “act like men”, and thereby raise up a generation of disciples and leaders within the church.